Update Post: Sunday we ordered all of the kitchen appliances; such a deal at the Home Depot.
Saturday, picked up plans and dropped them off to the engineer's office Monday... Supposedly for just a few days (x2 or 3 eh). Here it is Thursday, and still no plans with engineering stamps. Thursday I went ahead and made a few copies (blueprint size) of the plan and handed one to the new builder. Tomorrow, the sun will come out, bet your bottom dollar ... tomorrow ... tomorrow ... there's always tomorrow ... it's only a day away!
Saturday, picked up plans and dropped them off to the engineer's office Monday... Supposedly for just a few days (x2 or 3 eh). Here it is Thursday, and still no plans with engineering stamps. Thursday I went ahead and made a few copies (blueprint size) of the plan and handed one to the new builder. Tomorrow, the sun will come out, bet your bottom dollar ... tomorrow ... tomorrow ... there's always tomorrow ... it's only a day away!